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Advanced Financial Management

ACCA Qualification exam preparation with Gold Approved Learning Partner

Preparation course for one of the exams for choosing the Strategic Professional module of the ACCA professional qualification in English.

AFM Advanced Financial Management
SKU: 700.954.29
This is one of the optional exams.

You'll apply relevant knowledge, skills and exercise professional judgment as expected of a senior financial executive or advisor, in taking or recommending decisions relating to the financial management of an organisation in private and public sectors.
This course develops upon the core financial management knowledge and skills covered in the Financial Management syllabus and prepares candidates to advise management and/or clients on complex strategic financial management issues facing an organisation.

We use study materials of world's leading publishers, approved by АССА.
10% discount on all courses starting until April 30th!
*The discount doesn’t apply to study materials and English for ACCA course
Detailed syllabus
Why ST Education&Knowledge?
Practicing tutors, АССА Members and Fellows.
Learning platform
User-friendly interface, monitoring and progress tests, live and recorded lectures.
Study Materials
We use study materials, approved by АССА.
Quality assurance
If your first exam attempt is unsuccessful, you can repeat your course for free.
  • Excellent preparation for the F5 exam with Vladimir Okudzhava. He conveyed the meaning of the course using examples from real work practice. The computer tests prepared by him can be used many times throughout the course. They helped a lot in preparing for the exam. Homework and these tests are simply a vital condition of success at the exam! Good luck to you! Respect to Vladimir!
    Olga Mashutova, PM Performance Management
  • I would like to express my gratitude to Vladimir Okudzhava and all ST Education's staff for the wonderful P4 course and attitude towards the preparation of students. Competent and logical presentation of the material allowed me to prepare for the exam in a short time and pass it from the first attempt.
    Elena Melnik, AFM Advanced Financial Management


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